Millers Landing Day Canceled Until Next Year

With doubt on the condition of downtown streets, the Chamber of Commerce voted to cancel the Millers Landing Day celebration this year. A couple of members wanted to hold the event downtown, citing that Peter Otten assured them that the roads would be in good enough shape to host the event. Chamber President Tony Carosella voiced concerns about tourists possibly encountering rough roads and torn up sidewalks if MODOT did not complete their part of the project on time. It was put to a vote and not approved. The next motion was to cancel the event for this year and that motion passed overwhelmingly.

There was also the option of staging MLD in the city park, though that idea was met with opposition. Canceling seemed to be the best solution to avoid a bad experience for tourists and locals and gives the volunteers a chance to plan and focus for next year, knowing that all the new infrastructure will enhance the staging of the event.

The event commemorates the founding of New Haven by Phillip Miller back in 1836, when he would provide lumber and supplies for steamboats navigating the Missouri River. He named the town “Millers Landing” and that name stuck until 1856, when the town was renamed New Haven.

Phillip Miller and his wife are buried in a private cemetery just east of town, and historian David Menke conducted a tour for several of Phillip Miller’s descendants to the grave site last year. Many re-enactors wearing period garb strolled around town, and food trucks and local vendors provided food and drink for the celebrants. A fireworks display on the east end of town capped off the evening.

The Chamber will put the plans on hold for next year and will now focus on the Spring Fling City Wide Garage Sale on April 23.

New Haven Independent News

405 Charles Cook Plaza

New Haven, MO 63068

(573) 237-5600